Sandling Primary School

Results & Performance Tables - KS2 Performance Data 2023 / 2024

The Department for Education Performance Tables provide a detailed analysis of Sandling Primary and other School’s performance against a variety of measures.


Each child receives their test results as a scaled score from 80 - 120.

Sandling Primary School’s standards for 2023/ 2024 are listed below with the national average for comparison.

Reading Sandling National Kent
Average scaled score: 108 105 105
Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard or above: 92% 74% N/A
Percentage of pupils achieving a high standard: 50% 29% 30%


Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Sandling National Kent
Average scaled score: 107 105 N/A
Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard or above: 90% 72% N/A
Percentage of pupils achieving a high standard: 24% 32% N/A


Writing Sandling National Kent
Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard or above: 87% 72% N/A
Percentage of pupils achieving a high standard: 13% 13% N/A


Maths Sandling National Kent
Average scaled score: 107 104 104
Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard or above: 89% 73% N/A
Percentage of pupils achieving a high standard: 31% 24% N/A


Reading, Writing and Maths Combined Sandling National Kent
Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard or above: 77% 61% 62%
Percentage of pupils achieving a high standard: 8% 8% 8%


In order to achieve the Expected Standard for Year 6, a pupil must have a scaled score of 100 or more in reading and mathematics; and have been teacher assessed in writing as ‘working at the expected standard’ or ‘working at greater depth within the expected standard’.

In order to achieve the Higher Standard at the end of Key Stage 2, a pupil must have a high scaled score in reading and high scaled score in mathematics; and have been teacher assessed in writing as ‘working at a greater depth’. A high scaled score refers to scores of 110 and over.


Please note that it will not be possible to calculate KS1-KS2 progress measures for academic years 2023/24 and 2024/25. This is because there is no KS1 baseline available to calculate primary progress measures for these years due to Covid-19 disruption.


Please follow this link for information about what the progress score means and how this is calculated.