Sandling Primary School

Geography Overview

At Sandling Primary School, our geography curriculum is designed to inspire curiosity and instil our school PRACTISE values through teaching engaging concepts such as cartography, climate, interdependence and culture. We develop problem solvers by exploring geographical challenges and solutions locally, nationally and globally. We foster an adventurous spirit and build resilience through hands-on fieldwork and exploration of various cultures. Creativity is encouraged in map-making and project work. Collaborative activities promote teamwork, while research tasks build independence. Presenting findings boosts self-assurance and confidence. Understanding global interdependence and cultural diversity enhances esteem, fostering respect for themselves and the wider world.

What our pupils say about their Geography learning

“We always draw maps in school, my favourite to draw are treasure maps!" Hollie – Year R

“We learnt about the 7 continents and the 5 oceans. I know that the smallest continent is Oceania and the biggest is Asia." Oli – Year 2

“We have been learning about rivers and we had an exciting school trip to Horton Kirby. It was exciting because we learnt lots of new words to describe river features such as ‘meander’ and also learnt about the insects that might live in a river such as a water scorpion! Ethan" – Year 4
“I really enjoyed learning about South Africa because I have always wanted to go there! We learnt about the different goods that South Africa imports and exports. Because of the hot climate that South Africa has, it is able to grow and export lots of fruit. Arabella – Year 5
"I learnt about South America. I learnt the names of almost all of the countries within South America. I also learnt about Brazil in much more detail, including the Amazon Rainforest and the Amazon River." Ben

Progression in geography

Within our geography curriculum, we break our learning down into:

  • Substantive Knowledge

Information and key facts about locational knowledge, place knowledge, human and physical processes and geographical skills.

  • Disciplinary Knowledge

How geographers learn about the world and people around us and their understanding of it. Our children will know this as learning to ‘think like a geographer’.

 Geography Progression of Concepts.pdfDownload
 Geography Progression of Vocabulary.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

Whole School Long Term Plan

 Geography Long Term Plan.pdfDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1

Year Group Medium Term Plans

 Year 1
 Year 2
 Year 3
 Year 4
 Year 5
 Year 6
 Year R
Showing 1-7 of 7

Please contact the Geography Lead via the school office if you have any further questions.