Sandling Primary School

Outdoor Learning Overview

At Sandling Primary School, our Outdoor Learning curriculum is designed to immerse our children in nature while instilling our Sandling PRACTISE values. Through teaching concepts such as knot tying, cooking, shelter building, and tool use, we nurture problem solvers who tackle outdoor challenges. The curriculum builds resilience as students persevere through physical tasks and varying weather conditions. We encourage an adventurous spirit by exploring the natural environment and creativity in constructing shelters and cooking. Collaborative projects foster teamwork, while individual tasks promote independence. As students master new skills, they develop self-assurance and confidence in their abilities. Engaging with nature enhances esteem, fostering a deep respect for themselves and the environment.

What our pupils say about their Outdoor learning

“My favourite part of outdoor learning was cooking bread on the fire! First we had to make the dough in the classroom – it was very gooey and sticky! Then it took about 15 minutes to cook over the fire so we had to be very patient. I really liked eating the burnt bits!" Thea – Year 3

“I enjoyed making dens. We had to choose different materials to use such a wood, rope and blankets. It needed to have a roof, and the structure had to be strong enough to hold the roof up. It took a long time but we did it in the end!" Gabriel – Year 4

“I liked making our ponds. We had to use a container such as a bucket or bowl, and then collect sticks, leaves and rocks to create a pond habitat. We then filled them up with water, and now we are waiting to observe what wildlife they might attract. I think my pond might get some tadpoles!" Faye – Year 5
“I enjoyed using my teamwork skills to plan and create obstacle course in our school teams. We then had to guide each other through the course blindfolded! Communication was also really important for this part." Daisy – Year 6

Outdoor Learning Concepts

In our outdoor learning curriculum, we organise our learning into seven key concepts:

  1. Shelter Building
  2. Knots
  3. Fire & Cooking
  4. Obstacles
  5. Tool Use
  6. Natural Art
  7. Living Things

These concepts ensure that children’s knowledge and skills are carefully planned and built upon as they move from through our school.  See our ‘progression of concepts in outdoor learning’ document for more information.

Whole School Long Term Plan - Coming Soon

Year Group Medium Term Plans

 Year 1 Medium Term Plan.pdfDownload
 Year 2 Medium Term Plan.pdfDownload
 Year 3 Medium Term Plan.pdfDownload
 Year 4 Medium Term Plan.pdfDownload
 Year 5 Medium Term Plan.pdfDownload
 Year 6 Medium Term Plan.pdfDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

Please contact the Outdoor Learning Lead via the school office if you have any further questions.