Sandling Primary School

Miss Claire Coombes

Governor Type: Appointed by X-officio by virtue of office as Headteacher
Position:  Headteacher
Term of Office: 1st January 2021 - 31st December 2022
Business Interest: Headteacher.


I have been teaching for over 20 years and have been at Sandling for 17 yrs; it is a whole school community and I hope my length of service reflects the value I put on working in this school and with all our staff, governors, parents and most importantly pupils. My role on the governing body is to provide information about the school so all governors are able to effectively carry out their duties.

This includes:
• The internal organisation, management and control of the school
• The educational performance of the school
• Along with others, leading, developing and supporting the strategic direction, vision, values and priorities of the school
• Developing, implementing and evaluating the school’s policies, practices and procedures
• Leading and managing teaching
• Lead, manage and develop the staff, including appraising and managing their performance


Mrs Laura Fernee

Governor Type: Appointed by Governing Body
Term of office: 18th November 2019 – 17th November 2023
Key Responsibility:  Health & Safety, Performance Management of Headteacher.
Business Interests: None

I am a parent governor and was elected to serve in December 2019. I grew up in Maidstone and attended local schools. I live in Penenden Heath with my husband and two daughters, the eldest now attends Invicta Grammar School and the youngest is in year five at Sandling Primary School.

My background is in commercial finance, I am a qualified accountant (FCCA) with over twenty years of work experience. I spent sixteen years at a global cosmetics company, before taking a career break in 2019 to spend more time with our daughters and wider family. The role of parent governor came along at a perfect time for me to become more actively involved with the school and make a contribution back to Sandling.

I have since returned to work part time and am Financial Controller at a local company that provides bathroom solutions. My work experience has given me a very broad business experience along with leadership and communication skills that I bring to the governing body.


Mrs Patricia Jackson
Governor Type: Appointed by Governing Body
Term of Office: 2nd October 2019 – 1st October 2023
Key Responsibility: School Business Manager. Finance Group. Health & Safety, and Buildings.
Business Interests: School Business Manager.

In July 2015 I was Co-opted as a Governor, prior to that I was an Associate Governor for a year. I am employed by Sandling Primary School as the School Business Manager, where I’ve worked since 2004.  My role involves looking after the school finances, site, school contracts and personnel. I’ve lived in this area for over 20 years and am married with two children. My role in the Governing Body involves my working closely with the Governors with particular responsibility for Finance and Site and I am a member of the Finance Group.  I am very proud of our school and work hard to contribute to our continuous improvement.


Mr James Kilduff

Governor Type: Staff (appointed by staff)
Term of Office: 25th May 2021 - 24th May 2025

I joined Sandling Primary School in 2021 as Deputy Headteacher and have previously worked in other Kent schools as a class teacher, EYFS lead, Key Stage 1 lead and Key Stage 2 lead. I am also the Chair of Directors at a local nursery.


Mr Andy Larkin

Governor Type: Appointed by parents
Term of Office: 12th November 2021 - 11th November 2025
Key Responsibility: Finance Group

Business Interests: None.

I was elected to the governing body in November 2021. I am married, have two sons at Sandling Primary, lived in the Maidstone area for 12 years and in the Penenden Heath area for nearly 8. Since leaving college, I have worked in the Financial Services industry, the last 15 of them in the same Investment Management company, where my current position is Head of UK Institutional Client Services.

Being part of the governing body gives me an opportunity to play an active part in our children’s education. As a parent to pupils at the school, I want to be able to contribute to the effectiveness and success of Sandling Primary and to support the teachers and staff wherever possible in this ever evolving and sometimes challenging environment.


Ms Clare Luscombe

Governor Type: Appointed by Governing Body
Term of Office:  25th June 2016 - 24th June 2024
Key Responsibility: Finance Group, Pupil Premium, Performance Management of Headteacher and Pay Panel.
Business Interests: None.

I have served as a Co-opted governor since May 2016. I am currently the Financial Director of a large Plant Hire company and have experience of both audit within private practice and commercial finance management. I also have experience in HR matters including disciplinary and grievance procedures. I am a Sandling parent with a daughter, Emma in Year 3. As part of my existing role as Treasurer of FoSS I have been actively involved with the school since my daughter joined in 2013. I believe Sandling is a fantastic school which my daughter is very lucky to attend. Great schools don’t just happen by chance, it takes a great deal of work by many skilled individuals. I want to be a part of that hard work and assist in anyway my existing skill set permits. I am new to school governance but I am looking forward to this interesting and challenging role.


Ms Elizabeth Nicholson

Governor Type: Appointed by Governing Body
Term of Office: 1st December 2015 - 2nd December 2022
Key Responsibility: Safeguarding, Children in Care, Medical Needs
Business Interests: Tutor/assessor at Kent Adult Education.  Spouse is a Governor at Sandling.


I was appointed to the governing body at Sandling Primary School as a community governor in 2015 having previously served on the governing body of three other schools as a school staff member. My background is in education. I taught in both the secondary and primary sector for 38 years, the final 14 years as deputy head teacher of two Kent primary schools.   I now work in Adult Education teaching and mentoring trainee teaching assistants. I have lived in Penenden Heath for 18 years with my husband John Viner who also serves on the governing body.  I have two sons and two stepsons who have long since left the family nest.  They are all pursuing professional careers in the UK and abroad and providing me with a constant stream of grandchildren to spoil when they are in my care! As a Sandling Primary School governor, I am able to use my career experience in many ways but my key responsibility is for Safeguarding and am delighted to be able to serve the community as a governor of such an effective and friendly school.


Mr Adam Terry

Governor Type: Appointed by parents
Term of Office: 12th November 2021 - 11th November 2025 
Key Responsibility: Educational Visits

I became a parent governor in November 2021. I grew up in Maidstone and have lived in Penenden Heath for many years. My wife and I have two sons who attend Sandling. Professionally I am a Chartered Accountant and Statutory Auditor, I lead a team of around 80 people in our Gatwick Audit department. In my spare time I am also a Scout Leader at the local Scout group, St. Paul's.

I wanted to become a parent governor to offer my skills and time to support the school to achieve its ambitions. It was important to me that I put myself forward as a governor as schools, like many similar organisations, cannot function without roles like governors being fulfilled by volunteers.


Mr John Viner

Governor Type: Co-opted (appointed by the Governing Board) 
Term of Office: 27th January 2016 - 28th January 2024
Key Responsibility: Chair. EYFS, Training and development.
Business Interests: Self employed Education Professional, Spouse governor at Sandling.

I have been a co-opted governor at Sandling since January 2016. I currently serve as Chair, having considerable experience of school governance and being Chair of another Kent school. I have a background of school leadership, having led five primary schools over a quarter of a century. I currently work as a freelance education adviser, trainer and consultant. I have lived in Penenden Heath for nearly 20 years and am married to Elizabeth Nicholson, who is also a Sandling governor. We have two sons and two stepsons, two of whom are teachers and two of whom live and work abroad. Being a governor of our local school is a great privilege and I hope that my knowledge and experience of education can make a contribution to shaping and sustaining the strategic development of the effective and happy place that is Sandling Primary.


Mrs Laura Wynne

Governor Type: Appointed by Governing Body
Term of Office: 25th January 2023 - 24th January 2027
Key Responsibility
Business Interests: None

I was elected to the Sandling governing body in February 2023. I have worked in HR as a manager for more than 15 years and have specialised in all aspects. I am currently a National Recruitment Manager for a large Retail chain. I live in Medway but chose to to stand for the governing board at Sandling because I believe it to be a great Primary school and one I can contribute my skills to. I have two children of primary school age so Primary education is important to me. Being on a governing body allows me to understand more about my children's education and allows me to contribute to the success of the children at Sandling through supporting the teachers and staff.